Sunday 1 August 2010

Reservoir Dogs

My Rating : 4/5

Ever since I have watched 'Kante' and came to know that it was a remake of 'Reservoir Dogs', I wanted to watch this movie. Kante was a movie that I liked very much for its style, its music and its theme. It was a part of my Nostalgia about Jamshedpur. Whenever I used to hear the songs of Kante I remember my days at Jamshedpur, where I got used to watching different types of Hindi movies (not only just block busters)
Reservoir dogs was there in my PC for quiet some time but I never could make time available for watching this. Thanks to chicken pox, I had enough time for all this and more. So, I decided to watch this movie.
Quentin Tarantino amazes you with the filming. Starting from the first scene of the movie (the shot inside the car with white upholstery and one guy bleeding of a bullet injury) to the last scene of the movie when all the robbers fire each other and die in their effort to find out the 'Rat' among them is amazing.

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